Data wrangling

GEOG 30323

February 20, 2024

Data wrangling

In real-world data analysis, your data will likely:

  • Have missing/possibly incorrect values
  • Be in a format unsuitable for data analysis
  • Be spread across multiple files, possibly of different types
  • Need re-shaping or summarization to draw meaningful conclusions

Fortunately, pandas can help you with all of this!


  • Frequently, you’ll have way more data than you need!
  • Datasets can be reduced in size by indexing and subsetting
  • Let’s read in the colleges dataset as a demo
import pandas as pd

full_url = ''
full_df = pd.read_csv(full_url, encoding = 'latin_1')

By column name

  • Let’s drop most of the columns in the dataset with .filter()
cols_to_keep = ['INSTNM', 'STABBR', 'GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP']
debt_df = full_df.filter(cols_to_keep)
debt_df.columns = ['name', 'state', 'debt']

By row position

  • Data frames can be sliced like lists and strings
# Retain row 0 up until but not including row 10

By row or column index

  • Selecting by row or column index available in the .loc[] method (note the brackets)
example1 = debt_df.set_index('name')
example1.loc['Amridge University':'Alabama State University']

By value

  • Often, you’ll want to keep rows that have a certain column value, or exclude rows based on that value
  • The data frame method .query() will “query” your dataset based on an expression
  • Expressions use conditional operators; can be combined with & (and) and | (or)

By value

debt_df1 = debt_df.query("debt != 'PrivacySuppressed'")

By value

tx_debt_df = debt_df.query('debt != "PrivacySuppressed" & state == "TX" ')

# Alternatively, use an index-based method

# tx_debt_df = debt_df.loc[(debt_df['debt'] != 'PrivacySuppressed') & (debt_df['state'] == 'TX')]

By value

states = ['OK', 'NM', 'TX', 'LA']
# Use `in @states` to get values in the list
# @ operator allows for use of variables in the query
sw_debt_df = debt_df.query("debt != 'PrivacySuppressed' & state in @states")


Creating new columns

  • New columns can be created based on specified values, or as derivatives of other columns, using mathematical operators or the .assign() method
  • Let’s demo with a simulated data frame:
import numpy as np

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'col1': np.random.randint(1, 100, 10), 
                    'col2': np.random.randint(1, 100, 10), 
                    'col3': np.random.randint(1, 100, 10)})

Creating new columns

# With .assign()
df2 = df1.assign(col4 = df1.col1 + df1.col2)

# With index-based labeling
df2['col5'] = df2['col3'] / df2['col4']


dtype conversion

  • To do numerical analysis, our numeric data have to be stored as numbers!
  • To convert: use the .astype() method
sw_debt_num = sw_debt_df.assign(debtnum = sw_debt_df.debt.astype(float))


Missing data

  • Commonly, all of the data you need will not be found in your data set!
  • Possible solutions:
    • Delete all rows that have missing data
    • Fill in missing data with a specified value
    • Interpolate missing values

Missing data

  • .dropna() method: delete all rows (or columns) that have any missing values (NaN in pandas)
sw_debt_clean = sw_debt_num.dropna()


Missing data

  • .fillna() method: fill in missing data with a specified value
sw_debt_fill = sw_debt_num.fillna(sw_debt_num.median())


Method chaining

  • pandas data wrangling methods can be “chained” together to compute a data wrangling workflow all at once
cols_to_keep = ['INSTNM', 'STABBR', 'GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP']
states = ['OK', 'NM', 'TX', 'LA']

sw_debt_clean = (full_df
  .set_axis(['name', 'state', 'debt'], axis = 'columns')
  .query("debt != 'PrivacySuppressed' & state in @states")
  .assign(debtnum = lambda x: x.debt.astype(float))

Group-wise data analysis

  • Thus far, we’ve focused on characteristics of data within a particular group
  • Common question: how do characteristics vary by group?
  • In pandas: .groupby() method!


  • Wickham (2011): the “split-apply-combine” model of data analysis


  • Data are split by some characteristic into groups
  • We apply a function to each of the groups
  • The resultant data are combined back into a single dataset

.groupby() in pandas

sw_grouped = sw_debt_clean.groupby('state')


# Result

LA    15876.255319
NM    16237.466667
OK    17030.860759
TX    15009.426582

Grouped visualization in seaborn

import seaborn as sns
sns.set(style = "darkgrid")

sns.boxplot(x = 'state', y = 'debtnum', data = sw_debt_clean)

Grouped visualization in seaborn

  • Faceting or small multiples: breaking down a plot by a grouping variable into multiple plots
grid = sns.FacetGrid(data = sw_debt_clean, col = 'state', col_wrap = 2), 'debtnum')

Merging data

  • Commonly, you’ll have data in two - or multiple! - datasets that you’ll want to combine into one
  • Simulated data:

m1 = pd.DataFrame({'type': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'], 
                  'ind1': np.random.randint(1, 100, 6), 
                  'ind2': np.random.randint(1, 100, 6)})

m2 = pd.DataFrame({'type': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'], 
                  'ind3': np.random.randint(1, 100, 6), 
                  'ind4': np.random.randint(1, 100, 6)})

The .merge() method in pandas

m3 = m1.merge(m2, on = 'type')

Types of merges in pandas

  • Options for merging (the how parameter): 'inner' (default), 'left', 'right', and 'outer'
  • Simulated data:
m4 = pd.DataFrame({'type': ['d', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i'], 
                  'ind5': np.random.randint(1, 100, 6), 
                  'ind6': np.random.randint(1, 100, 6)})

Inner merges

m5 = m1.merge(m4, on = 'type', how = 'inner')

Left merges

m5 = m1.merge(m4, on = 'type', how = 'left')

Right merges

m5 = m1.merge(m4, on = 'type', how = 'right')

Outer merges

m5 = m1.merge(m4, on = 'type', how = 'outer')

The “shape” of data

  • Long (“tidy”) data:
    • Each variable forms a column;
    • Each observation forms a row;
    • Each type of observational unit forms a table
  • Wide data: column headers represent values, not variable names

Example: World Bank data

  • Long format:
from pandas_datareader import wb
countries = ['ZA', 'BR', 'US']
tfr = = 'SP.DYN.TFRT.IN', 
                    country = countries, start = 1960, 
                    end = 2019).reset_index()

Long to wide

  • .pivot() method in pandas
tfr_wide = tfr.pivot(index = 'year', columns = 'country',
                    values = 'SP.DYN.TFRT.IN')


Plotting “wide” data


Wide to long

  • pd.melt() function in pandas
tfr_long = pd.melt(tfr_wide.reset_index(), id_vars = 'year', 
                   var_name = 'country', value_name = 'tfr')


Plotting long-form data

tfr_long['year'] = tfr_long['year'].astype(int)
sns.lineplot(x = "year", y = "tfr",
            hue = "country", data = tfr_long)