Geographic data in Python

GEOG 30323

April 9, 2024

What is geographic data?

  • Thus far: we’ve been working with data (largely) in tabular data frames, where each column represents data “attributes”
  • Geographic data: includes information on location - specifically, where the observation is located on the Earth’s surface


Longitude and latitude: the basics

Geographic coordinates

  • Longitude (X) and latitude (Y) coordinates can be expressed as:
    • Degrees minutes seconds (e.g. \(97^{\circ}21'37''W\), \(32^{\circ}42'38''N\))
    • Decimal degrees (e.g. \(-97.36\), \(32.71\))

Conversion between DMS and decimal degrees:

\[DD = D + \frac{M}{60} + \frac{S}{3600}\]

Coordinate systems

  • Geographic coordinate system: coordinate system based on latitude and longitude (coordinates on a sphere)
  • Projected coordinate system: coordinate system projected onto a two-dimensional surface (coordinates on a plane)

Map projections

Original source: Mike Bostock

Tiled mapping and Web Mercator

Vector data

Raster data

Vector data: CSV files

  • Example: Starbucks locations in Chicago
import pandas as pd

starbucks = pd.read_csv("")



  • GeoPandas: Python package that extends pandas to represent geographic objects as GeoDataFrames

  • Key column: geometry, which represents the geometry type of the data (point, line, or polygon) and the sequence of coordinates

Installing packages in Colab

  • Google Colab has many Python packages you’ll need for your work pre-installed, but not all!

  • Packages can be installed from the Python Package Index using the pip command prefaced with an exclamation mark

!pip install --upgrade pygris[explore] contextily

Making a GeoDataFrame

import geopandas as gp

sbgeo = gp.GeoDataFrame(starbucks,
                        geometry = gp.points_from_xy(starbucks.Longitude,
                        crs = 4326)

Making a GeoDataFrame

  • gp.GeoDataFrame(): function used to generate the GeoDataFrame, which can take an existing pandas DataFrame as its first argument

  • Parameters:

    • geometry: how to represent the data as a geographic object. We use the gp.points_from_xy() function here to “make” the geometry from existing Longitude and Latitude columns.
    • crs: a code that specifies the dataset’s coordinate reference system. Most coordinate systems can be represented by 4- or 5-digit codes (see

Mapping point data

# Static plot:

# Interactive map: 

Adding a “basemap” to a static map

import contextily as cx

# "Project" to Web Mercator, used by tiled mapping services
sbgeo2 = sbgeo.to_crs(3857)

# Assign the Starbucks map to a variable, then add the basemap to it
p = sbgeo2.plot(figsize = (8, 8))
cx.add_basemap(p, zoom = 11, source = cx.providers.CartoDB.Voyager)

Adding a “basemap”

Vector data: GeoJSON

Mapping polygons

mxgeo = gp.read_file("")

import seaborn as sns
sns.set(style = "white")
mxgeo.plot(column = "pri10", cmap = "RdPu", figsize = (10, 8),
           legend = True)

# Or, interactively:
mxgeo.explore(column = "pri10", cmap = "RdPu")

Mapping polygons

Should you map?

  • Beware the “amazing map”…
Source: Clickhole (The Onion)

Maps vs. charts

  • For discussion: which visualization is more effective for showing differences in our data?

Chart for comparison

Code to reproduce the chart

import pandas as pd, seaborn as sns, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sns.set(style="whitegrid", font_scale = 1.3)
df = pd.read_csv("")

plt.figure(figsize = (10, 8))

p = sns.stripplot(data = df.sort_values('pri10', ascending = False), 
                  x = 'pri10', y = 'name', palette = "RdPu_r", 
                  orient = 'h', size = 8, hue = 'pri10', legend = False)
p.set(xlabel = "% of workforce in primary sector", 
      xlim = (0, 50), ylabel = "")
sns.despine(left = True, bottom = True)

Automated spatial data acquisition

  • We’ve discussed getting data from APIs to stream data in to your analysis session

  • pygris: Python package I wrote to automate acquisition of Census Bureau geographic data

  • Let’s try it out!

pygris examples

from pygris import roads, tracts

tarrant_roads = roads(state = "TX", county = "Tarrant")

tarrant_tracts = tracts(state = "TX", county = "Tarrant", year = 2022)

Merging geographic and demographic data

from import get_census

income_data = get_census(
  dataset = "acs/acs5",
  year = 2022,
  variables = "B19013_001E",
  params = {
    "for": "tract:*",
    "in": ["state:48", "county:439"]
  return_geoid = True,
  guess_dtypes = True

tarrant_income = tarrant_tracts.merge(income_data, on = "GEOID")

tarrant_income.explore(column = "B19013_001E")

Raster data in Python

  • To work with raster data in Python, use the rasterio package
import rasterio as rio

# Dataset of elevation in the Tarrant County area
elev ="")

Plotting raster data

from rasterio.plot import show, show_hist
sns.set(style = "white")

Raster data: histograms

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
show_hist(elev, ax = ax, bins = 100)